Saturday, September 22, 2012

Value Scale and Color Wheel

This week for Module 4 our class was assigned a project in which we needed to construct a Value Scale and a Color Wheel. I love creating art and was especially excited to work on this project. I have created both a Value Scale and a Color Wheel in previous classes, and paint ceramics with acrylic paint in my spare time, so I knew that this project would be very enjoyable. The media that I enjoyed working with the best was the acrylic paint for the color wheel. I love the ability to be able to mix and combine the paints to create a wide range and variety of new, unique colors. The most important discovery in making these studies, was how challenging it was to create the Value Scale. I found it very challenging to keep getting lighter and lighter with the particular charcoal pencil I was working with. I had to keep going back and adjusting and making the previous squares darker, but eventually I got the hang of it. I thought that the videos we had to watch for this project were very informative, interesting, and knowledgeable. The most important information I learned from these videos was that blue and red are not in fact the true primary colors. There are now two new colors that form the primary colors that are different from the classic color wheel. Instead of red, blue, and yellow, the more appropriate primary colors are magenta, cyan, and yellow. Overall this project was quick and fun!

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